i don't need a wii. i just want it :P
no wii for me...... 360 or ps3 !
i have one~
but i bought it at a super cheap price though
I'm personally not into consoles, with the exception of portable ones, so no...
Ge64 Wrote:gp2x?
Do you have one? I thought it was interesting, but it's a bit to expensive for me.
got one with the that came with 4 zelda games
^^ i wanted that but couldnt find it, i only play mgs twin snakes the wind waker :mdr: and medal of honor series on it, still need twilight princess though idk if i should get it for gamecube and wii or just gamecube and get it later when i have a wii or get the wii now and get em both versions...i just don't want the great game to disappear like what happened to precious silent hill 4, my uncle bought it but hes up north in san luis ovispo at school so he sent it to me to play it and i beat it and sent back but his damn gf took off on him and she took all the games! yeah now that i think about it i need to start getting the games I'm missing from amazon...
I hear that the new zelda is very hard to play on the wii, i have it for gamecube and love it....
I would say, get it for gamecube!