Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Ditched the homepage...
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If you go to http://zingaburga.co.nr/ it'll display the portal page...  Still some problems (few smilies) though Erk

But basically, I never updated the homepage anyway, so replacing it with the portal page makes it a little more active :P
For your information, the portal takes info from Site Suggestions, PSP/Releases and PSP/Customization and displays it there.

On a side note, I've fiddled around with the random sig generator and it should work better now (disabled caching) :P
why from psp customization??
Gives more content?
Well its certainly much better to look at than the last homepage.
well i guess not that much goes into psp customization anyways so it doesn't matter
and yeah i agree with |-Anubis-| much better than the last one
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