Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [PTF] Circa Dome Extended Black
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Well..just spent 2 hours trying to get SOMETHING to work with that damn Sony PTF creator poo poo.  Finally managed to resize the canvas of Circadome.  Reload in rcoedit.  Re-extract all.  Tell the ptf editor to open file * then found the .mig i wanted and double you tee eff it went right in :(  (Read that trick on maxconsole or something some time through out the day.)  But it seems not ALL extract alls give a working .mig even if it is the right size?!?  

Here's the output.  One great looking icon set from Innercy that i managede to convert over for all the 3.71 lovers in the house.  :)

[Image: circa3.71.JPG]
YES thanks!
Looks very Good!!

Thanks i like a tutoriol on this,.. ;)
when im not drunk in the morning, im gonna get this.
YoYoBallz Wrote:when im not drunk in the morning...

Never gonna happen. :cocktail:


Well it is the morning now, but I don't have my psp.....

Looks like ill have to wait longer
great, looking forward a applecor conversion ;)
^ Impossible, unfortunately :P  ...well at least, without using PRXs.
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:^ Impossible, unfortunately :P  ...well at least, without using PRXs.

i think wee can do prx by rco's, not ptf, the next CXMB release should able to hook the PRX...
I sure hope so. . .
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