.shadow Wrote:.shadow used to draw, then he discovered Photoshop...
YEAH ME TOO actually. . . .
* ZiNgA BuRgA never could draw, but then, ZiNgA BuRgA discovered the internet (and Google Images), and obviously, had no moral sense for artists' work :P
CesarAndreu Wrote:Drawing is hard :(.. I fail hard at it.
for me photo shop is hard, drawing is easy.
i only have 2 drawing skills
if i see a picture of an anime character i can draw it in pencil almost exactly by the lines it has at any size and can enlarge it or make it smaller
im supposedly good a shading also
but photoshops better
well i was never good at drawing
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:* ZiNgA BuRgA never could draw, but then, ZiNgA BuRgA discovered the internet (and Google Images), and obviously, had no moral sense for artists' work :P
Actually, Photoshop is easier for me but I still can't draw really good stuff =/... I can draw stuff in Flash though, that's easy.