Endless Paradigm

Full Version: SOTW #7--VOTING
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you know how this goes by now, so no explanations needed

now get voting!
To be honest Vegeta and Squee's sigs aren't animated.. they just have a movie playing the BG.. not like they animated it themselves.
Nacos Wrote:To be honest Vegeta and Squee's sigs aren't animated.. they just have a movie playing the BG.. not like they animated it themselves.

OE i thought that was ment by "Animated sign",..

Don't you like me sign,..!? Sadist

I like your sign,. :wink2:

*EDIT: Two additional rules
1) there is a 2 MB size limit
2) NO SEIZURE-INDUCING SIGS...anyone who posts a seizure-inducing sig will be disqualified from this round and maybe even banned from future rounds

*btw, a sig that just barely changes colors is NOT an animated sig to me...those of you who were around over at hacks when dreads and I battled numerous times last year know what i'm talking about...

Are you making up new rules,.!?

voted snailspace
I voted for snail, i like his :he:
Nacos Wrote:To be honest Vegeta and Squee's sigs aren't animated.. they just have a movie playing the BG.. not like they animated it themselves.

so by your standards anything that was converted from a video file or scene into part or a sole gif image means its not animated

for example meaning your avatar isn't animated

then what is it tell me!!!!!!
voted deep . . . its unique to the rest.
i voted for v1
wow...i really didnt expect to be doing so well, thanks!

for me it was between deep amd nacos...both were very good, i just really like how nacos animated his, very smooth and subtle
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