Endless Paradigm

Full Version: 3.52 M33 Custom Themes Installation
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MikoMew, your thread has been split here: http://endlessparadigm.com/forum/showthr...p?tid=5443
okie doki~
lol another question, right now i have a 3.52 m-33 theme installed on my 3.52 m-33 firware psp.  If i am to upgrade to 3.71 m-33, do i have to install my original theme back then upgrade? or upgrade directly?

You can upgrade directly. No need to flash your original rco and prx
This worked out great. thks for the in depth info.

Some of the themes I downloaded from here

don't have all the folders listed above. Can I still use them or is there something special i need to change?

cfw 3.52 m33-4
can be done on my 3.8-4 m33?
ms13 Wrote:can be done on my 3.8-4 m33?


follow my 3.71/3.80 M33 Tutorial:

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