Endless Paradigm

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Pages: 1 2
ok heres the deal.....

  i live in a town of 5000+ ppl, a dude from my town recently made national if not global news coverage by cutting his house in half with a chain saw because of a dispute with his wife. they were getting divorced and i guess she wanted the whole house and his layer told him she was only entitled to half of everything and he took that literally. :@

so by this information tell me where I'm from, include pics if possible. the winner will win a cookie and a piece of ham. :yipi:

...but just as important...Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego??
^^ooooo close, i have faith that google knows more than that...dig deeper
Hillsboro, Ohio.
oh dammit!! it better not say that, hillsboro is for tossers and sheep shaggers!!!
your so close u may aswell be right. my town is about 15 miles away

i really just thot this was funny, i saw this in our paper the other day and said it would end up on jay leno or something....then i hear today it was on the national news :roflol:
Lol @ the chainsawed house though.  Have you seen it?
My google-fudge you is unstopable... within a acceptable margin of error. :D
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:Lol @ the chainsawed house though.  Have you seen it?

i havnt, i kinda 4got about it untill today....it may be the destination of a doob cruise though...
more info... http://www.timesgazette.com/main.asp?Sec...M=86333.87
lol that's by far one of the stupidest things i have ever heard of, next to a guy cutting off his own penis
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