Endless Paradigm

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Pages: 1 2
Lol - the picture looks like a normal house though...

I'm just surprised, I mean, wouldn't it be blatantly obvious when someone's trying to chainsaw a house in half, that something's wrong?  Also, unless it's small, a whole house can't be chainsawed within a few hours...
he cut it horizontally, u can barely see it in that chocolatety pic. im surprised no one heard it..it is in the country but i think there r houses close...it says in the article it was contractor dispute, not what i had heard...i think he was trying to do as much damage as possible....

im sending this to mythbusters, i want to see how quickly its possible to cut a house in half
^ Lol, but that wouldn't be a myth.  You need to say the guy cut the house in half within an hour - then it's a myth :P
^^lol..he did it in an hour??!!! no way??!!

by the way...ever see the painting with dynamite episode...reminds me of this for some reason...??
Pages: 1 2
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