Endless Paradigm

Full Version: The cereal commercial thread
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I hate cinnamon toast [edit]crunch[/edit] commercials

also, the reason the rabbit is after that particular box of trix is because theres no fackin trix in there, its his secret fackin stash of secret fackin drugs.

its all a conspiracy. Behind the scenes, they are trying to hide the fact that the rabbit is a drug whore. They tried to hide all the signs in the commercials. Why the hell would a rabbit go through all that trouble to get a box of asshat tasting cereal. The association behind the scenes working to hide this conspiracy is none other than the C.O.C.K. (Cancelling Organization of CerealCommercials, K?), and is headed by the penisbird herself, Hilary Clinton, and her assistant, Bill Nye.

The cereal is really carrots in disguise.
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