Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Fast Reply doesn't work
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Pages: 1 2
Click post message and the whole thing freezes. What's up with that?

EDIT: well that worked, what browser are you using?
mmm... works for me?
if this message was posted then it means it worked, lol
get Firefox :great:
it works!
ix_stylez Wrote:get Firefox :great:

he is using firefox.
hmmm . . . I really don't know why. . . . I post EVERYPOST with fast reply. and I mean EVERY
Sparker Wrote:
ix_stylez Wrote:get Firefox :great:

he is using firefox.

get a new computer :great: :P
ix_stylez Wrote:
Sparker Wrote:
ix_stylez Wrote:get Firefox :great:

he is using firefox.

get a new computer :great: :P

I wish =(
Pages: 1 2
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