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Ultimate Mario Theme V2 - Paper Edition

FOR 3.52 M33 ONLY !!
This is an alternate version to my Ultimate Super Mario Theme.  :)



[Image: 63mci0g.jpg]

Yes, that actually is a little Mario moving back & forth on a set of split mini wave  :D  Here is the wave against a black background, so you can see it better:

[Image: 4xv1r0w.jpg]

And the custom music visualizer by The_Iceman:

[Image: 4mtf6gw.jpg]


* All custom Super Mario Icons - By: Italian Flasher, Vegetano1, & Mr. Shizzy
* Custom Battery - By: Mr. Shizzy
* All New Custom XMB Wave - By: Mr. Shizzy
* All new 480x272 high res bg - By: nintendo,   Optimized by: Mr. Shizzy
* Super Mario Click Sounds -By:  Mr. Shizzy
* Super Mario Info Screen - Hacked by: bstronga & Vegetano1
* Custom Mario Volume Bar - By: Mr. Shizzy
* Custom Mario Coin Busy Signal - By: RaiderX  (a.k.a.- Neonix)
* Custom Coldboot Sound & Logo - By: Mr. Shizzy
* Custom New Super Mario Bros. Gameboot  - By: Mr. Shizzy
* Custom Super Mario Font (Resized for PSP Screen) - resized for PSP By:  Mr. Shizzy
* Custom Photo, Game, & Save Data - Refresh Icons - By: Mr. Shizzy
* Custom Super Mario Music Visualizer - By: The_Iceman
* Reboot.prx for Network Update - By: Matiaz
* Hacked paf, vshmain, and music_main prx file (black font,  icon movement, ect...) - By:  Mr. Shizzy

:dl: Download (2.8MB)
Cool man
Getting better and better,..
Thanks Mr. Shizzy.  I uploaded the theme to our downloads section and placed a link in your post.  I hope you don't mind (if you want the attachment instead, just tell me and I'll restore it).

Great work!
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:Thanks Mr. Shizzy.  I uploaded the theme to our downloads section and placed a link in your post.  I hope you don't mind (if you want the attachment instead, just tell me and I'll restore it).

Great work!

Cool.  Thanks ZiNgA  :)
I like it! and I have a friend which is a paper mario freak@
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