Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Custom RCO's on 3.71 M33
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damn sony confusing us!
yongobongo Wrote:I noticed the first offset is the '.ptf' thing, then the name of the theme - does Sony maybe have protection to check whether the theme matches what it think it should??
".PTF" is the signature.  Most file formats have a 4 byte signature - it's designed to check if the user is trying to trick the program by doing a simple extension rename.  For example open up an EXE, and the first two characters will ALWAYS be "MZ".  Also check out DAX, CISO etc formats.

The name is just probably a name.  I doubt it's checked in any way - it's just a name.
well sony r bloody fudgeers
just updated gonna look around...
go to hell sony!:@
really pulled out all the stops this time havent they...this is irritating me
sony sucks! only if wee can find a way to make iso's version requirement lower
This should let you use the default icons, perhaps from the RCOs, and custom ones...
I'll test it in a sec, just upgrading to 3.71
I'm having problems with topmenu_icons.rco file. I have set it up with custom icons by editing organs theme he posted, but none of them show. They display perfect in rco editor though. Will I have to hex them in there? Or should I just use the pack of RCO's zinga posted, edit them, and see if they work?
are there any custom battery rco's for the 3.71 M33-2? i tried 1 from 3.52 M33, but it just crashes the psp, and when booted up it shows as if it where a brick, but recovery still works, so any battery rco's which will work with 3.71 M33? i have a volume rco workin.....
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