Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Bulletin Board is currently closed?
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I keep getting an error on my other cpu saying "This bulletin board is currently closed. The administrator has specified the reason as to why below.

   This forums are currently closed for maintenance. The downtime is expected to last a few hours. Please check back later. Sorry for any inconvenience caused."

and before i was having a 'SQL' error.. anyone know why>?
It's just problems getting the site settled on the new server, give it time and Zinga will sort it.
Actually, that'd be your computer resolving to the old address.

The server move requires the domain to be directed to different nameservers.  Thing is, IP is cached at different levels, and it may take some time for it to propagate around the internet.

Firstly, try clearing out your local DNS cache:
- Start » Run » ipconfig /flushdns

If that doesn't work, you'll have to wait for your ISP to clear their cache.
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