21/09/2007, 07:47 PM
Straight from IRShell.org comes news from Stonecut that Ahman has made some signifigant advances with ad-hock play for PS1 games through IRShell.
Big props to Ahman for all his hard work. To see what else he's been up to, or to donate to the cause, go here.
Stonecut Wrote:AhMan has just shared this excellent new early preview video with us which shows 2-player PS1 games using 2 PSPs via adhoc WiFi connection. You can get a glimpse of things to come in a new iR Shell public release some time in the future here:
Source: YouTube
AhMan would like to point out that 2-player PS1 games via Adhoc is still in a very early development. It's not even in beta yet, actually.
Many thanks to all donators who are making this possible !
Big props to Ahman for all his hard work. To see what else he's been up to, or to donate to the cause, go here.