Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Compress my file to opening_plugin.rco
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Hi !
Here a screen of the contents of my file:
[Image: screenev5.th.jpg]
(Click above to increase)
I will want to thus summarize, to convert the whole into opening_plugin.rco.

How I make?
with what?

thank you ^^
you use the RCO editor found here: http://endlessparadigm.com/forum/downloa...view&did=6
then you click replace all
and go to the folder with all your files.
Ok thanks a lot !
scuse my noob attitude ! xD
no problem! . . . im glad to help
I'm sorry but i did not succeed...
can you try to convert my file into opening_plugin.rco?
Firstly, how did you obtain those files?

Secondly, you need an opening_plugin.rco for your firmware.  You'll need to replace those images into that opening_plugin.rco.
I obtained these files on a forum of customisation psp, I modified the 2 files bmp: 8bit and 32bit.
I will want to convert the whole into opening_plugin.rco
sorry for my language, but I'm french...
i can try. just a second
nope those files don't work.
what is your firmware version?
maybe upload your bmp here and your opening rco and i will try to make it for you...
My firmware version is 3.52 M33
i have upload all the files here :
Thanks ;)
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