Endless Paradigm

Full Version: SOTW #6--Marvel Comics
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first, lemme apologize for taking so long getting this round started...apparently, EP was down earlier...

anyways, it's time for the results of SOTW #5...

1st Place: tigerfan with 7 votes
2nd Place: diego_429 and Nacos with 6 votes each
3rd Place: u_c_taker with 4 votes

this was probably the closest round so far!!

now then, on to this week's contest..the theme is Marvel Comics...Spider-Man, X-Men, Fantastic Four, Iron Man, Incredible Hulk, Captain America...if it's from Marvel Comics, then it's legal!!

so to quote The Thing:

"It's Clobbering Time!!"
can i use the guy from evil dead since he was in Evil Dead VS Marvel Zombies
starts collecting renders. :P
my entry

[Image: venomcopy.jpg]


i think ill enter next sotw cause i havent got a time to make an entry this week
ill try
squee666 Wrote:can i use the guy from evil dead since he was in Evil Dead VS Marvel Zombies

as long as the Marvel Zombies appear in the sig along with the guy from evil dead, I'll allow it...

because the Marvel Zombies series is so awesome!!
done with mine... not so sure of where is the guy from, just know its marvel...
ill figure out who he is...
[Image: marvel.png]

EDIT: figured out its war machine... idk much about marvel, im not a marvel fan

EDIT: SH*T i forgot the code


Oh Shi-
Lovely Theme,
Expect a decent sig from me this time ( not like last week).
Nacos Wrote:Oh Shi-
Lovely Theme,
Expect a decent sig from me this time ( not like last week).

well, there goes my chance at 3 in a row... ;P
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