Endless Paradigm

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Im feeling lost , nothing response , finnaly there is PRX decrypter 1.7 , thanks to Jas0n. The offsets didnt change much , you all can find them very fast , but CXMB don't do nothing when it comes to Vshmain or Paf ...

Can someone confirm they work ????
wait so the offsets are the same?
The offsets of the VSH are almost the same , hexing you can find them easy , for the paf , the new app from takeshi is working good , i see the paf  , almost equal like the old one .
there is a new one?? I didnt know that . . . neither do I have a slim so I don't need it yet . . but its good to hear sony didnt change much.
All the offsets fro vshmain and Paf , are still the same for the 3.60 M33 , the bad thing is that CXMB is not working , i tried already version 2.31 and 2.4 , none of them even notice the paf , but opening plugin from version 3.52 is working , with no problems , so i see no point for not to be working .

Actually there is an easy way to keep your edited file , like soniĀ“s ones - Hidden System Read only file ; using Hexworkshop , for editing the values , then just Save over , not Save As , overwrite. Then the value Hidden System stays on , only i have to check Read only ...

Im seriously thinking of flashing the paf , with only changed scroll speed values .
try it

and let us know what happens :diablo:
yeah why not do it. . . .
im waiting
Semibrick , nothing else .... Slim is still alive , i guess i im doin something wrong , or i have to find a way how to modify , the date of creation ... or its the date of modification.
here is an "update" version of cxmb.. actually it integrates both SCEP SCX & CXMB...

put scepge.prx infront of cfwmenu.prx, enable both in vsh.txt

hot-key is L+R
X to confirm, O to cancel. buggy on this, both keys swap in some cases.

all theme puts under /PSP/THEME (same as 3.7+), support from 01-99 in folder name, must be in sequency, otherwise it will failure to load the theme.

eventually, the PAF might not work too cause the core source for cxmb is same ... just try...
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