Endless Paradigm

Full Version: PSP Firmware Version Spoofer for 3.52 M33-4
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QJ Wrote:For those of us who want to play a harmless little trick on a friend's PlayStation Portable, or you merely want to give your own handheld that extra bit of customization, then Yongobongo has you covered with the Firmware Version Spoofer. It's a handy little homebrew application that lets you change your PSP's displayed firmware version easily and on the fly. Neat, eh? Let's take a gander at the accompanying post, unedited and as is:

This program allows you to change your PSP's displayed firmware version 'on-the-go'.

Easy to use interface allows you to quickly enter your desired name (up to 12 characters for this version, maybe more when I have explored the vshctrl a bit more ) and flash it straight to your PSP unit.

This program is for use ONLY on 3.52 M33-4.

[Image: firmwareversionspoofer2_qjpreviewth.png?978914]

[Image: firmwareversionspoofer_qjpreviewth.png?026475]


Press right/left to change the selected variable.

Press up/down to change the data (character) in the selected variable.

Press square to switch between upper and lower cases.

Press cross to flash the new vshctrl.prx. Press start to return to text entry after flashing.

Not too complicated, and very easy, wouldn't you say? Now you can fool your friends into thinking that you've accidentally downgraded their PSP's firmware, or gave your own an uber-advanced firmware that Sony only gave to its "super secret fanclub members". The possibilities are endless, if you think hard enough. Just make sure you read the attached readme before installing or using the application. And just in case you missed it, the Firmware Version Spoofer is only for 3.52 M33-4.
A good idea, methinks!  Don't know why no one thought of it before?!?  It'll be interesting to see what else comes from this...?
its nice but I prefer to do it manually. and I remember X-flash or something like that used to be able to spoof system version.
good app
although i do it manually
well have already done it a while back
Has anyone seen that this app is missing the - character, so if you use this it is imposable to put back 3.53 M33-4. Also why couldent he had had just made a spoofer simular to the one for 3.03 which made your current nickname the psp FW. As that is alot cleaner and it has all the characters the psp supports.

None the less this is a cool app :P
Hmm, so it wasn't a" Super Light 2008 4.20 PSP" after all cR@Zy? good job i didnt buy it off you,i thought $1,995 was a bit much, lol
well cool app
ginger minger Wrote:Hmm, so it wasn't a" Super Light 2008 4.20 PSP" after all cR@Zy? good job i didnt buy it off you,i thought $1,995 was a bit much, lol

lol...  Busted! Wis
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