who here soft modded their xbox?
I have soft modded my friends xbox before, its easy just google it
no, i offered to with my friends Xbox, but i think hes afraid of the word modding
not me, cause boomhowza has BaLLs :D
I don't mind the word modding hence why i did my xbox360 and help people do theres
my dad almost killed me when i took apart my PSP
(no PSPs were killed in this operation)
also this is my sPa/\/\
look at my sPa/\/\ :yipi:
I have opened both of mine many times, after the first few times it becomes easy
I have all the supplies waiting for me to get around to it, I just haven't done enough reading up to follow through yet. I have an old beat up Double Dragon arcade machine I was considering gutting to rig it up, but I'm not sure I want to sacrifice good ol' Double D.
edit: I'm gonna go do some more reading on it; if anyone knows of a wonderful, up-to-date guide, please post a link!
I have installed an actual mod-chip in an xbox (no-solder) and softmodded 5 or more. Softmod for the win since it's cheaper and does everything that a mod chip can.
Some purists bitch about how softmods defeat the 'scene' but I disagree. I think what the 'scene' is really working towards is making hardware completely open to new things but making that as easy as possible.