Endless Paradigm

Full Version: logical formatting... o_O
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how do i logically format my mem stick?! and don't tell me to drag  drop any folder or file into CMD because it doesn't work for me, i get the lil circle with the line through it...

i need help with this ASAP because the batterey won't work at all unless the mem card has the right files... T_T
[Image: double you tee eff.jpg]

Fuck. The. What.  :(
Your on Vista = your fudgeed.

shall i use my laptop (win xp proff.)
WOOO GOT IT WORKIN!! now got to wait for it to be 50% :P:P THNK U ALLLLL WHO HELPED ME!
why didnt you just right click the drive and click format . . ..
because you have to run the mspformat app to get the MS ready to boot the pandora battery.
oh yeah. . . forgot about that.
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