Endless Paradigm

Full Version: 3rd Haruhi Sig
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Pages: 1 2
[Image: haru2hicopy.jpg]
very nice! i like that color!
thanks. ;D
um fudgeing awesome.?!

that's one of the best sigs you've made imo
scribble Wrote:um fudgeing awesome.?!

that's one of the best sigs you've made imo

why thank you, sexeh scribble.
I used that render to win SOTW... nice sig.
my outcome:
[Image: musicSOTWcopy.png]
I'm a steelin' that when you get tired of it.
nevermind that, I'll make ya one. :P
Yeah, pretty much every time I see a Haruhi sig, I'm gonna be steelin' it, just so you know. :D
lol why is games like a grrl eXx1l3d?
Pages: 1 2
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