Endless Paradigm

Full Version: PSP-psp file transfer
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is there a program/hombrew app that will let me transfer more than just pictures WITHOUT a cable or computer?
Yes, the ir shell can do it

but both psp's have to be running the ir shell
does it do it wirelessly? or do i need some kind of cable? and is there a limit to how big of a file?  and how would i do it in the first place?
Yes, it's Wifi transfer.

Dunno about filesize limit (I doubt there is one), but do note how slow Wifi transferring is...
im sure u can do it wirelessly, since theres no mini-usb to mini-usb cords. also i don't think there is a file size, y would there be?

but don't take it from me, i only used ir shell a few times and i nevr tried transferring files between 2 psp's.

edit: sry didnt see ur post.
yeah since I don't recall reading ANYTHING about a filesize in irshell..
should be almost unlimited, I've transfered a .iso game that was around 500mb and it did it fine :D
bet THAT took a while...:P
ix_stylez Wrote:im sure u can do it wirelessly, since theres no mini-usb to mini-usb cords.

actually there are, i have one

it wouldnt work though cause the psp has no usb host function so the 2 psps wouldnt connect.
yeah well anyways this is resolved. . . i think,.
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