Endless Paradigm

Full Version: First Look of 3.60M33
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yeah i have a corrupted 01-12 as well

i have no 02 no matter (even with the original) what and when ever i put a high res  its always the same one (even if they are obviously different)

sony must have some type of flash memory back up or something wierd

damn sony my 01-12 is fudgeed up :grrrrrr:

also does your usb charge work because mine doesn't :(
Shady545 Wrote:yeah i have a corrupted 01-12 as well

i have no 02 no matter (even with the original) what and when ever i put a high res  its always the same one (even if they are obviously different)

sony must have some type of flash memory back up or something wierd

damn sony my 01-12 is fudgeed up :grrrrrr:

also does your usb charge work because mine doesn't :(

Maybe the usb cable is somehow different , better don't use it , disable the option from the settings , MAxime said something about it , toggle usb Flash0 and charging USB maybe are not good combination , He said that some files from his Flash0 always get corrupted ...

For customization Use CXMB , its way better not to touch the flash .
that sucks
I turned usb charge off instantly.

Some usb cables do not have all the wires in contact.  Sometimes only 2 wires for the data, and there is no wires for power. :(  

Yesterday i went to replace the topmenu for fun cause zmathue asked why i wasn't doing that but using cxmb instead...put it on 3 times and EVERY time it showed the standard!!  even with cxmb disabled and no memory stick inserted!  :X double you tee eff...
sony has something up their sleeves

has any one tried to go back to the original FW and then back to m33?
More things i saw in the RCOs , soon Skype will be available for the PSP ...Also wee can use opening plugin.prx with CXmb , from version 3.52 on the Slim , and its working , thanks to schmilk for the tip.

Shady545 Wrote:sony has something up their sleeves

has any one tried to go back to the original FW and then back to m33?

Shady i know Maxime , goes back to oficial firmware after having problems with 3.60 m33 , but i don't know what he did ... when you have installed 3.60 M33 , did  you backup your idstorage with pandora , or directly installed M33 , i didnt backup , so im not sure if you can uninstall the m33 , it have this option but im not sure how it works...
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