haha i can try this on my friend's PSP Slim....if he lets me :P
ben3gfc Wrote:haha i can try this on my friend's PSP Slim....if he lets me :P
Can't see why he wouldn't, there's no bad to it, if it bricks, return it and try again.
Worked great for me! Nester 1.11 works as well from game150 folder!!! :D
Now to get the themes cause there is 20.3mb of free space on flash0.
Funny thing is if you have hide system and protected files/folders enabled, you won't see very much on flash0!
Attempting to rezzurskilinskisi the rco right now :D program won't run on slim...running on phatty with 3.52 decrypted sysmem.prx and the psp shuts off after pressing x. :(
SCEP-XMB preview 1.7 works as well :D
Uncompressed/edited 3.52 topmenu.rco does NOT work on 3.60 :(
Oooh...hello 13-27.bmp ! :O
I ain't getting a slim, I already wasted my money on a normal PSP, but at least the slim is hackable so that's good to know.
For those that have a slim, is it true that they greatly increased the number of background colors?
Not background colours, but backgrounds. I believe there are now 24.
Yes, this rocks great news:)
Pirata was saying that the usual customization folders are no longer in flash0, anyone found the topmenu, etc yet?
wow nice i may get a slim after all then. but definately a nice color not black or white or silver.