Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Y'know how the battery icon flashes when the PSP is plugged into the wall?
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Make it stop!  Some of these themes have half the screen flashing when you plug it in.  Is there a way to disable it?
well only the battery icon should flash but if the battery icon fills half the screen then half the screen will flash
Ok, half the screen was an exaggeration, but many themes have the battery icon part of the top bar, gets distracting on the side theme, I think it was.
The flashing effect can be removed via modifying the anim resource.

Unfortunately, I'm not at home so can't verify anything, but look in the anim resource section of system_plugin_fg.rco and look for the battery_charging thingy.

0x906 = change alpha, so look through all of the 0x906 entries under the battery_charging effect (there should be 2 or 3).  In each 0x906 entry, look at the last item in the list - some should have a value of 0, some should have a value of 1.  Change it so that all of them have a value of 1.
^^ hot dang I'll have to remember that ^^
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