Endless Paradigm

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alright, here's the results of SOTW #4..

1st place: tigerfan with 11 votes
2nd place: robtheg and kazx with 3 votes each
3rd place: squee666 with 1 vote

and even though i won, i feel somewhat....disappointed....i expected more entries...

anyways, time for this week's contest...the theme is...

Endless Paradigm

it sounded like some people already had ideas for EP sigs, so this should be an interesting week ;)

now let's see some entries!!
ok ill join this week ., . . .ill post it soon,  ,
lol mine will will be random or cool
im gonna enter mostly
ill try to make one (forgot to start making it last week :S )
i don't I'll do this one either
i may join if i find the time
anyone is welcome to join ^_^. . . anyway ill submit my entry by thursday hopefully/
i got my entry ready n ill up in a while its not great but im a noob with photoshop
guess i get to post the first entry :)

[Image: EPsig1.png]
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