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Full Version: Where to get childrens anime
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Such as Hamtaro and Crayon Shin-Chan
lol dunno but hamtaro was fun

i miss medabots
That jusdge was always good at hiding...
And pokemon. though i know that isn't subbed
oh and kodomo no omocha...  very funny.. not for little little kids though.. theres a pimp (not really they just say that)
Shōjo or shoujo (少女, Shōjo or shoujo?) is a term used in English to refer to manga and anime aimed to girls of all ages. The term is a transliteration of the Japanese 少女, literally lesser, or little, girl.
^^ yeah i could have told you that... shoujo or shojo.. the u is silent as with alot of u's in japanese...so both are right...  most people when writing romanji use the u cause its more proper...  shoujo or shounen... i like both about the same... ja matte ne
i meant to say that kodocha was girls anime
Fruits Basket and Full Moon wo Sagachocolatee are probably the best children's animes I've seen, and they're both shoujo, so...
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:Fruits Basket and Full Moon wo Sagachocolatee are probably the best children's animes I've seen, and they're both shoujo, so...

They're for not-that-young children (like 12yo).

I think he wants stuff for really-young children (like 8yo), given examples like hamtaro.

Anyways, try torrent.
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