how about the random digits after our post count be determined by our shout box posts n every 9999 tantrums wee get 1 additional post to our name
like this for eg a person has 1 shout n 1 post his post count should show up as 1.0001
n when the user reaches the 9999 shouts it should be like this
n the 10000 shout the users post should be increased
like this 2.0000 n the cylce continues
so what do u think of my crazy little random idea admins
the extra db overhead would make the site fall down on it's arse, cool idea though.
good idea.. but 10,000 shouts?? that's way to much for just 1 post count.. maybe 100 or 200.
well this is based on random digits already in place so only 10000 would be fitting enough
cause at 9999 it can't go futher therby adding to post count
the idea is not really to increase ur post count but to create some randomity
Actually I just thought of something that would be simpler to do but would add some extra randomness to the sites stats.
Simply change all the post counts, page numbers, post numbers, etc to hex.
changing everything to hex isn't user friendly
u_c_taker Wrote:changing everything to hex isn't user friendly
yeah, too much randomness 0_0
UncertainGod Wrote:the extra db overhead would make the site fall down on it's arse, cool idea though.
Actually, they can be cached just like post counts, thread posts and forum posts are :P
UncertainGod Wrote:Actually I just thought of something that would be simpler to do but would add some extra randomness to the sites stats.
Simply change all the post counts, page numbers, post numbers, etc to hex.
That's certainly an interesting idea :P Octal would confuse people as well XD
Decimals (floating point???) would be interesting in hex...
Well, I'm not too sure about making shouts add to postcount - I might make them stick to the end of the decimal, but adding to post count makes the "post count" stat kinda useless...