Endless Paradigm

Full Version: iR Shell 3.62 update for PSP released - compatible with M33 Custom Firmware!
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StoneCut has stopped by the MaxConsole Forums to release the latest version of iR Shell for the PSP. The new release of this very popular homebrew for PSP is mainly a maintenance release which is now compatible with custom firmware from the M33 team. The developers are also working on 2 player PS1 game support via 2 PSPs utilizing WiFi adhoc. Check out the release and read more
[Image: menu2ok9.jpg]
Taken from max consoooooleeee
Cool, i was hoping this release would have the 2-player PS1 game support.
new!~ good.
don't you mean 3.52 m33 update 4, because the last version didn't work on those updates 3 and 4
only worked with 3.52 update 2 and lower updates
well 3.6 used to freeze on my psp
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