Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Anyway to stretch the psp_logo?
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Currently had the glass shattering gameboot and thought the old indian head tv test pattern screen
would be great to come up for it.
I see in rcoedit all these options about stretching etc, none seem to be doing anything for this.

Do I have any other options or best to find a way to edit the gameboot itself and add that in?
Just use photoshop to resize it?
it should be stretchable, but due to PSP's limitation, you cannot make it too large. check the opening_plugin.rco
matchung Wrote:it should be stretchable, but due to PSP's limitation, you cannot make it too large. check the opening_plugin.rco

Rco says its got to be 260x80 visible.
I know I would normally follow those guidelines, but I noticed those
other options about stretching and what not, I was wondering if they worked right.
I guess Ill make do with regular size
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