exactly what the title says.. me personally other people = hell ... so i prolly spent a good 1/5 of my life playing video games and im 24.. yes its true... i put about 200+ hours into FF7 before i stopped.. that's not counting all the other final fantasies... what a mis-spent youth.... i know other people that put me to shame... i only stayed home from school for a week once to play games... and that's just console games.. i have no idea how long i play diablo and D2 and other pc games cause they don't keep track of play time... now i got to work so i take my psp with me hehe i get about an hour in everyday not to mention i hop on people wifi all the time... oppss... i just thought about the subject cause i saw this link below and i laughed.. i don't even take my psp there
i recon, all in all, at least 6-10 months worth of playing, maybe even a year (im 17)
I don't even want to contemplate it, I remember playing Elite when I was a kid 5 hours a day for at least a year. Then I had to do final fantasy VII in one sitting because the machine I bought so I could play it didn't have a working memory card slot and I was a bit skint at the time (student). I slept for three days after I finished that game.
No clue, but I used o play warcraft for an awful long time everyday for the longest time.
games in general? I'd say around 1/8th of my life.
Used to play quite a bit (like 2-3hrs a day) a few years back. (like during highschool years 9-11)
Now U've got too much stuff to do to spend lots of time in games. Less than 1hr a day average.
Overall, I can't say i spent any significant portion of my life playing games.
AzumiUehara Wrote:i put about 200+ hours into FF7 before i stopped..
I just played through it once, that's it. So probably like 70hrs or so (70 hrs by my own estimation. The ingame clock is somehow screwed up for me, and goes way slower than real time. I played the PC version.)
I will never really play through an RPG more than once, unless it's like 10 years later and i completely forgot everything about it.
I used to play quite a bit of DOOM, I recall. Only recently got a decent computer, so have been playing tonnes of SNES games beforehand.
Played a fair bit, but nowhere near as "hardcore" as some of you guys :P
Now, well, I screw around with too many other things to have time. I play some Oblivion on weekends though.
it is impossible for me to calculate it. i wasted a spoon load of my life playing pointless games that just made me bitter and twisted.
i started at the time the spectrum 48k came out :s and only stopped seriously gaming 2 years ago but i still play the occasional one, but never online anymore.
i probably wasted 1-2 weeks total of my life on a computer game. . . but on a computer I wasted ALOT. . . .
For as long as I can remember, I haven't been allowed to play Monday-Thursday unless it was summer or a day off from school, but I'd more than make up for it on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Now that I'm a senior, though, I don't have much time for games. I haven't touched my Xbox 360 in about 3 weeks.