alright, you know how this for who you think should win this week's SOTW
I voted for the best sig.
Someone make a sign of the best skater there is "king" "mud" "rodney" "mullen" !!
Tony Hawk,.. lol
I voted for the football one
I don't even know whos it si
YoYoBallz Wrote:I voted for the football one
I don't even know whos it si
by football, do you mean American Football (like the NFL) or Soccer?
NFL lol
I think its your sig tiger
i voted for tiger nice sig man
well thanks tigerfan do you guys not like soccer or something ?
robtheg Wrote:well thanks tigerfan do you guys not like soccer or something ?
to be honest, i don't like soccer...
but yours is the best of the sigs i can vote for (cause i can't vote for myself)
and by the way, i made my sig this morning :P