Endless Paradigm

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Pages: 1 2
[Image: finishthiscopylq0.png]
comment. . .
sweet, but the text...
good dude like the sweet lines round him maybe expand your colours and lighting some dif efects on next sig even though that looks sweet i think the more different themes u learn to use on sigs styles etc.. the more wider variety of skills u have to use using photoshop but looks sweet lol
thanks for the comments . . and robtheg I would but whenever I try something new it looks HORRIBLE!!!! and also im not good at making multicolored sigs. . . .
very nice sig :D
diego_429 Wrote:whenever I try something new it looks HORRIBLE!!!!.

well, don't expect to make great sigs when you're trying new styles

every new style takes a hella lot of practice... i think wee all know that...
well yeah but I feel that when I use a different style I will phail!
what i do when trying new styles is that i do them and if i don't like them, i just don't post them... and only show them to my friends... (believe me, i have a whole bunch of failed sigs on my sig collection)
nice sig diego
Pages: 1 2
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