Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Help With Hold Icon
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Ok, well here's my hold icon:
[Image: noob.png]
I'm trying to center that to the screen, however, i can't reposition the X axis position.
The PSP just ignores any number i chuck at it, whether its from vshmain.prx or the system_plugin_fg.rco :(
Y axis position can be changed fine though :S
So does anyone know why this happens/how i can fix it?

the offsets can be found here: http://endlessparadigm.com/forum/showthr...p?tid=2963
Xaxis : hmm there is no X axis offset ?!?!?!?
look at the vshmain.prx of applecor. . .its probrably there.
Applecor uses a standard hold icon :(
VSH.PRX Editor by Takeshi has the X offset built in but it doesn't work :(
Would it work if i added some blank pixels to the side of my image?
i guess it would since I don't think they have found a X axis yet.
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