Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [Rumor]Slim
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Well after Zeus (maxconsole admin) been flamed for posting a news that member from C+D said that the PSP slim , is getting the 3.52 OFW from network update. Then the people start flaming for who knows what reason , and today i tried to find the thread , i couldnt , but im sure i saw it ...

what this mean : well i think that they already got the hardware and now are searching for the software to take a closer look . I think already installed firmware is hard to ensamble , or to recreate , and they need the new 3.60 to look on ... Its just a rumor don't think this will lead to somewhere , but who knows ...

More Things i found :

Just take a closer view of the threads , they are trying to read the nand , but its now fully encrypted ....

Link : http://forums.maxconsole.net/showthread....post666727


Here is what I got from that.

Zeus from maxconsole posted something about how a member from Team C+D is getting OFW (Open Edition firmware?) from the network update.

And what does this have to do with the Slim?

Are you saying that they're working on a custom firmware for the Slim but need the 3.60 firmware to create a stable one?
|-Anubis-| Wrote:Umm...


Here is what I got from that.

Zeus from maxconsole posted something about how a member from Team C+D is getting OFW (Open Edition firmware?) from the network update.

And what does this have to do with the Slim?

Are you saying that they're working on a custom firmware for the Slim but need the 3.60 firmware to create a stable one?

Maybe not the custom firmware itself , only the IPL , wich is needed for pandora ...
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