Endless Paradigm

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god i didnt realise that blogging was so hard what is there to say.

well my friends currently playing sonic and im on his pc so no sleep tonight

currently had brainwaves today well since my pc has 384mb ram
why doesn't microsoft implement the use exernal memory as ram on xp

also installed vista theme on xp and it looks visually good
so im going to make a psp version in my free time

tonight were going to watch the new steven king film

that me stopped blogging for now
im out

got milk??
Yes I have milk, Microsoft don't implement the feature because they know it's the ONLY good feature in Vista and if the released it for XP there would be another raft of people who wouldn't upgrade to Vista. And what new Steven King film?
well people would still upgrade to vista because alot of people think its still better.
well i think if it can be done on vista someone will do it on xp
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