Endless Paradigm

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If you're getting into anime, or just looking for a new series, here are some
I don't think anybody should miss. They are, IMO, the best anime of their genres.

-Historical: Samurai Champloo
-Modern: Black Lagoon
-Futuristic: Cowboy Bebop
-Psychological: Death Note

-Ecchi: Love Hina
-Random: Excel Saga
-Romance: Chobits

-Weird: Elfen Lied
-Comedy: The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi
-Apocalyptic: Evangelion (Neon Genesis)

-Slice of Life: Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei
-Action: Claymore
-Comedy: History's Strongest Disciple, Kenichi

Post your list if you disagree. ;P
Guess what my favourite Manga/Anime is...guess....do eet.
OMG OMG......

Strawberry Panic.
Do I have to fit those categories?  I don't watch much action, primarily cause I've seen far too many Western action movies in the past, that they're pretty much lost their meaning....
Nope. I simply view anime through genres. Post whatever you think everybody should see.
Hmm, I'll just stick it to my ratings thread instead to keep everything neat.

Thanks for suggestions _VEndeTta :)
here is one, man, i loved this anime
*golden boy*
absolutely amazing, don't you want to mention some manga hentai animes too?
_VEndeTta Wrote:OMG OMG......

Strawberry Panic.


YES Please!

You're missing Lucky Star


maybe Outlaw Star.

Its what started me in Anime.

Grappler ships and Castor guns freaking pwn all.
Lol. Sry. Sayonara Zentsubou Sensei is a better slice of life anime than Lucky Sta IMOr. ;P
And cowboy bebop ousted Outlaw Star for me.

Oh. And lmao, I guess I forgot a genre....

Dunno...don't watch it. Halp me out Anubis.
_VEndeTta Wrote:Hentai
Dunno...don't watch it. Halp me out Anubis.

You have asked the right person...


Akiba Girls

Seriously 98% of hentai is just tentacle rape and that just not cool.
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