Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Would you like to see Kingdom Hearts on PSP
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Well i saw on spanish forum , a new petition to square enix was made by a user of DCemu , and they said 20.000 sigs needed , lol , so if someone wants it lets just made this 20k sigs done ...

good lord, every game and its mother is gunna get one of these now...
ok ill sign lol
Double post
998 petitions signed ok moving thread to psp general discussion
this is the fourth one of these now, and that without including that idiot on QJ wanting a CS: Source port.
Screw PSP port.

PC port all the way.
the next thing u know there will be a halo petition lol
People need to start realizing that a petition for every game isn't going to work.
well square enix supposedly replied to the petitioner saying that the squareenix japan teams were too busy on other projects like crisis core n have no plan for a kingdom of hearts sequel for the psp at the moment but they said that it can't be ruled out in the future
well theres 2800 sigs
kingdom hearts blows , too fudgeing childish , I hate Disney
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