Endless Paradigm

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Well if you make it , i think i got the demo UMD still somewhere here , and it has music files on it , i don't know if this gonna work with your idea , but i would try it , i m talking if the demo UMD is the same as Music UMD to test ... well will test yours today.
wiil it ever be possible to make alternate images for all the icons, let me explain...

have a image for when an icon is NOT selected, then have a different image for when it IS selected. like if it were a button, one pic would show it popped up and the 2nd pic would show it pushed down.

this seems similar to what your talking about, just A LOT more complicated.
SnailsPace Wrote:wiil it ever be possible to make alternate images for all the icons, let me explain...

have a image for when an icon is NOT selected, then have a different image for when it IS selected. like if it were a button, one pic would show it popped up and the 2nd pic would show it pushed down.

this seems similar to what your talking about, just A LOT more complicated.

I think Ginger Minger was working on something like that the other day...  PM him and ask...
Yep you can ive done that with my icons,First use Zinga's RCO Editor to open top menu you will see Mig Tex and the 6 top menu icons this is listed 3 times from system down to network.The first set of 6 you see are the icons you see on your psp when not selected,the second set of 6  icons in the list are the ones you see when selected so have a play around you can make some great top menu icons this way.:)
sweet, this will be perfect for what im working on!! thanks!!!
SnailsPace Wrote:sweet, this will be perfect for what im working on!! thanks!!!

No prob SnailsPace:)
SHIFT-Key Wrote:
ToDo -- RCO:1)  Set the RCOEditor to Expert-Mode(change the value in the RCOEdit.ini to 1)
2)  Open the topmenu_plugin.rco with the editor. You will see a new button called Add...
3)  Create 3 new Labels by clicking on it (name the labels tex_MSmus, tex_MSvid and tex_MSgam) and add the icons you want for them.
4)  Flash the new topmenu_plugin.rco.
     (Make a backup of the original one !!!)

ToDo -- PRX:1)  Open the vshmain.prx with your Hexeditor.
2)  Search for this text string: tex_ms (you will find 4 of them)
3)  Rename them to:
       1st one) tex_ms --- [PHOTO - memstick icon]
       2nd one) tex_MSmus --- [MUSIC - memstick icon]
       3rd one) tex_MSvid --- [VIDEO - memstick icon]
       4th one) tex_MSgam --- [GAME - memstick icon]
4)  Save and recompress the vshmain.prx and flash it.
     (Make a backup of the original one !!!)

And now... have fun with multiple memory stick icons :yipi:

I have added the icon's to topmenu rco
But when i try the new vshmain it do not work,.!?
If i replace the tex_ms to the other names the hex edit says the file size is going to be changed,.?!
Anyway i dunno what is wrong,..

Well i downloaded Schmilk's finding's and opened his vshmain and mine and noticed the difference i replaced "tex_ms" but you have to replace "tex_ms..." so the file size stays the same,.

Sorry i am a hexNoob

And this works for UMD icon's too,.!
you can also do this with the umd.

well in theory I didn't test.
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