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[Image: pspsaadf.jpg]

Perhaps the hardware modding maniacs at Acidmods will step up to this challenge.
Quote:PSP gets touch screen capability, well sort of...:yipi:
A new add-on thin layered material reportedly sticks firmly onto the front of the PSP screen giving the PSP the potential ability to be touch sensitive. It's reportedly so new that no one has managed to do anything with it, but one website states that the 'psp modding community is so active, it's a matter of days before wee see these in action.'

And if you feel like you want to get your hands on one of these, you can pick one up from Spark Fun for just $23.95.
WOW great news!
what's the source for this info, or is this just the psptouchme concept images that were floating around last october?

EDIT: Found this;

UncertainGod Wrote:what's the source for this info, or is this just the psptouchme concept images that were floating around last october?

EDIT: Found this;


Sounds interesting, hope something comes out of it though.
A modified irShell with focus on pda style apps would be cool as hell. I might grab one of these to have a play around with.
*thin layered material*, can't see this as a possibility
the entire screen must be redesigned to be sensible to the touch
and a thin layered material won't do the job
edit: and how could wee navigate through the xmb if the xmb isn.t controlled by any cursor, only by the c pad, and x and O for select and go back
haha, a new menu must be created by some coder, in order to navigate in it, but its pretty lame
this sounds cool!
by the way, hope you don't mind ginger minger that i edited your post..
@almadawarrior you can't move through the XMB with this, it would only work with homebrew that was designed to use it, as for it not to thin to do the job, well it isn't going to be perfect, but then again most touchscreens are a tad poo poo.
itl be cool if nds emulation gets better
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