27/08/2007, 07:14 AM
(i m a team by myself)
UMK3 PSP Theme for 3.52 M33
Lets keep it simple
Always make backup of your flash0 before flashing, i may not be responsable
for any DAMAGE you make to your PSP , always read the proper info , and if
some problem exist with this theme , contact me via PM or directly in
the post. You can always Use Pandora (Team C+D)
UMK3 PSP Theme for 3.71 M33-2 M33
Credits : Bstronga - for his finds in the PSP Costumization Scene
Zinga Burga for his Rco Editor --» Endlessparadigm.com
Schmilk - For his Volume bar --» forums.qj.net
MrArce - For his wave --» maxconsole.com
HibbyWare aka Oki900 - For his easy installer
Easy installer : UMK3 Easy Installer 3.52 Only
Note : This Flasher is only for personal use. All the files included are modified backup files.
PD : no gameboot included :p
(i m a team by myself)
UMK3 PSP Theme for 3.52 M33
Lets keep it simple
Always make backup of your flash0 before flashing, i may not be responsable
for any DAMAGE you make to your PSP , always read the proper info , and if
some problem exist with this theme , contact me via PM or directly in
the post. You can always Use Pandora (Team C+D)
UMK3 PSP Theme for 3.71 M33-2 M33
Credits : Bstronga - for his finds in the PSP Costumization Scene
Zinga Burga for his Rco Editor --» Endlessparadigm.com
Schmilk - For his Volume bar --» forums.qj.net
MrArce - For his wave --» maxconsole.com
HibbyWare aka Oki900 - For his easy installer
Easy installer : UMK3 Easy Installer 3.52 Only
Note : This Flasher is only for personal use. All the files included are modified backup files.
PD : no gameboot included :p