Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [Theme] Ultimate Mortal Kombat3 3.71 M33-2
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[Image: mkyu3.png]

(i m a team by myself)
   UMK3 PSP Theme for 3.52 M33
Lets keep it simple

Always make backup of your flash0 before flashing, i may not be responsable
for any DAMAGE you make to your PSP , always read the proper info , and if
some problem exist with this theme , contact me via PM or directly in
the post. You can always Use Pandora (Team C+D)

[Image: volumetx5.jpg]

[Image: moreog7.jpg]

   UMK3 PSP Theme for 3.71 M33-2 M33

[Image: mortalkombatli7.jpg]

Credits : Bstronga - for his finds in the PSP Costumization Scene
            Zinga Burga for his Rco Editor   --» Endlessparadigm.com
            Schmilk  - For his Volume bar --» forums.qj.net
            MrArce - For his wave --» maxconsole.com
HibbyWare aka Oki900 - For his easy installer

Easy installer : UMK3 Easy Installer 3.52 Only

Note : This Flasher is only for personal use. All the files included are modified backup files.

[Image: mkyu3.png]


PD : no gameboot included :p
Nice one gsmoke,

Also thanks for the credit - HibbyWare aka Oki900 - For his easy installer,
very nice!:penguin:
good work G
Double post
was this added to the download section yet?
very nice!
YoYoBallz Wrote:good work G
Double post
was this added to the download section yet?

No yoyo , first have to delete the old one and the i will put the new one in there, but without the installer...
ok :cool:
cool... but is there any naruto themes???
uh just SO MANY. . . but not created by the best guys like inacor. .  ..
Update 2 is up --- Bug fix of the battery in 3.52 M33

3.71 M33 version added.
Pages: 1 2
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