Endless Paradigm

Full Version: SOTW #3--Nintendo
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[Image: sotwepcopy-1.png]


i love robtheg's work!

Sig: [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y295/s4nd33p/DEEP-NINTENDO-SIG.gif[/IMG]

well i missed last week hopefully my new one will look good
cheers diego i love your work too :)
ix_stylez Wrote:shadys letters looks cool, but u should edit the background a lil more
did you notice that each letters color coresponds with the toadstool in the same order

i hate backgrounds

i messed  with that one forever i think it fits ok

but yeah it could have been better but meh
damn I'm going to have to miss this one, I'm too busy :(
edit: I'll do it now, let's see if i can :)
lat03 Wrote:and shady, yours cool, kinda cute

thanks lat03

i re4ally like yours
damn ii so wanted to use a image similar to yours but that was before i seen you used it so i had to change it
somebody make a kid icarus sig :]
[Image: yofm0.png]

is that you over at psp-hacks?
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