Endless Paradigm

Full Version: wipeout pure
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i was wondering if any of u have any programs for creating tracks/vehicles for wipeout pure. and yes, i did use google, but to no avail.
ill take a look now.ill tell you if I find anything.
hmm sorry can't find anything.
well, thanks for trying.
i don think there is any program like that
atleast not publicly released
well im sure there is one.
hmmm....good point.
When wipeout was first released, there were people trying to make custom download packs but no-one could recreate the keys, as for modding the ISO itself, all the track and model data is just in a modified WAD structure, you can change basic things quite easily but there weren't that many people working on modding in it so my ideas died.

Might give it another go when wee get ahold of Pulse. Personally I'd love to do a Rollcage total conversion.
id like to play it when u do uncertaingod
I think when Pulse comes out I'll run a thread about what I've managed to rip apart, I'm looking at the promo version atm but that might turn out quite different to the finished one.
do it be illegal to post a DEMO of a game?
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