Endless Paradigm

Full Version: new theme ( again)
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ok so ive decided to start working on my 3rd theme (but never finished the other 2) hopefully ill finish this one. . . i made a mockup of what I want and im done making the template of the main icons.
[Image: whatiwantcopyln3.jpg]
only one image at the moment but I will work on making the theme as goos as possible.
So are you going to go with a DNA style movement for those Icons, they are purdy by the way. Fonts cool as well.
well yeah sort of, I havent thought of a battery and volume yet. . . any suggestions anyone?
Hmmm, nice job. So what's your actual main icons gonna look like.... or are you leaving those out? Yeah font is nice aswell ... mind sharing?

Just looked at it again ... is the bubble gonna be like the systemfg and there the whole time & you gonna use an edited paf like dude said above. If so, maybe just create a rim round the bubble that changes color depending on its strength. IDK, sorry jus trying to dictate where your going with this theme from the pic.
well the bubble thing is the main icon.
that's sweet man good job
YESH!!! I love it!! Great work, diego!
well it is only a mock-up of what I want to do but I have the template of the main icons done.
Looks cool.

You've used the main font of psp.console-tribe.com LOL.:D

It's too nice, diego.
yeah, looks like im gonna have to delay the release of this. .. my dad's making me do stuff for him.
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