Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Yet Another MGS4 Trailer!! Snake's Enemies revealed!!
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Alright, I got another MGS4 trailer for you guys, and this time, wee find out who the four big bosses in the game are gonna be.

It's a team of 4 cybernetically modified women, called the Beauty and Beast Corps. Laughing Octopus, Raging Raven, Crying Wolf, and Screaming Mantis. Sound familiar? Add to that the fact that Screaming Mantis has a doll of Psycho Mantis hanging from one of her many arms and crying wolf has a rather large rifle strapped to her back. Basically, these four women were civilians who got caught in the middle of Ocelot's war, and were so severely traumatized that the only way they could cope was by being  turned into machines. They each do what their names say. Octopus is constantly giggling, the Wolf sounds like she's crying, Mantis screams, and Raven just sounds pissed.

Man, now I'm definitely gonna get a PS3 just for this game. Even if I have to sell a kidney.
Anybody care?
Shouldn't Mantis be the laughing one and Octopus be the screaming one?
No, why?
Just a hunch.
nice i saw this earlier at work but didnt have enough time to watch it, very hilarious, snake just gets up at the end and everyone's dead lol
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