Endless Paradigm

Full Version: A Team M33 XMB Theme?
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Saw this question on the M33 English boards and I was wondering what you guys thought....


Would a M33 Custom XMB be a good idea, would you use it/make one?

I think a hi-res Galactic background and something *starry* done with the way would be cool, but I have no idea's about Icons, etc.
how about a noobz theme
What would you base it on though. I'm still trying to find a good idea for the Icons for a M33 theme, I was thinking about taking the original+ icons and editing them so they are made up of lots of little 3's.
im currently making a thme which has orbs with vortexs in them and high res galaxiy backgrounds
ohh, sounds interesting. Keep us posted. :)
an ENDLESS PARADIGM Theme would be awesome!!
im still updating but its going slow i need a paf.prx request done for me in the psp customization forum section
LastPerson Wrote:an ENDLESS PARADIGM Theme would be awesome!!
Yup :he:
Would it be completely random? lol
yeh completely random lool
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