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well i guess this a good place for a first post on this site lol..
so lets get started cause this is gonna be a big messege..

-anime i watched all of-
Dragonball, Z and GT..
old school and kinda worn out now but this was my show back in the day

YuYu Hakusho
one of my very favorite... IMO one of the best action anime ever and actually good in english

Ayashi no Ceres
i like it alot...  yu watase is a good atist and the story was pretty good as well.. even if it was a bit sappy sometimes..

Tenjho Tenge
well the animation is good and the story is so-so.. and the fights are bloody.. and i want the chokuto reiki lol

Neon Genesis Evangelion
a classic... one of the best.. good story.. good everything.. if you like anime and have not watched this then what are doing? go get it!!

Love Hina
i had too.. its really funny and what guy wouldnt want to be keitaro.. specially in love hine 2 which i havent seen alot of yet

Witch Hunter Robin
i dunno but i like shows like this... i like the colors they used.. a mostly dark pallete.. the series started off good and got better and better

Blue Seed 9
i honestly think this was the first anime other than dbz i seen.. its old school and pretty good.. i like anyway.. lots of japanese mythology

Serial Experiments Lain
again one of my very favourites... a very trippy anime.. watch it in the dark alone with no distractions cause you have to pay attention... the story is one of the best ive ever seen and it really make you think about alot things.. a must watch

Koutetsu Tenshi Kurumi
the animation was ok but the story could have been better... but it has lesbians and breif nudity and lots of swearing by certain characters

Maho Tsukai Tai
well i don't care what no one says i like it... i bought the whole 8 dvd series... more of a girls show but hey that never stopped me lol

Excel Saga
now this is just funny.. the main character is a crazy girl... she talk way too fast and say crazy things.. i crack up laughing everytime i watch it

Red Garden
another one of my favs.. there is action but not really alot but when it happens its cool.. and the story really good.. and it take place in new york with all american characters... that like the only anime ive seen like that.. can't wait till red garden 2 in the fall

Angelic Layer
more of a kids show but its a cool concept.. the make dolls and put them in a sort of feild of some kind and they control the dolls to fight with the mind.. the doll are doll sized so no one gets hurt or killed or anything like that

Gundam Wing
the best gundam imo... ive seen most of the other series ( like g gundam and just gundam and 08 ms and seed ) but this one to me is the best.. good story.. good action.. good charcters.. and good in english

Jigoku Shoujo / JS Futakomori
a different kind of anime.. most episode have nothhing to with one another and not really much of a story line.. it about a girl who sends people to hell at the request of a client who in turn goes to hell when they die as payment... most of the people derserve it.. i like it cause its different and dark.. futakomori has a little more of a story..  i hate the last episode and will never watch it again.. i can't see what they do to Ai again

Death Note
another one of my favourite.. and another one i didnt like that last episode of lol... the series was really good though...  and the chacters are genius

Full Metal Panic Fumoffu
another comedy.. i love this show.. the main character brings guns and bombs and all kinds of weapons to school everyday.. lol he blows up his locker cause it looked like someone tampered with it and put a bomb it in... so funny

HNK ni Youkuso
its a comedy and a good one... its about a guy who doesn't like to leave his house... he freaks out and sees stuff.. the manga was a ton better but the anime is still really good... its also a love story which i don't mind as long as its funny.. i highly recommend it if you like this kind of show
series im watching / uncompleted

a good series.. in line with most of the other shonen jump shows.. ive seen every current episode and i will continue untill its completed

Darker Than Black
now this is a really good anime...  pretty violent.. with a good story so far.. it goes by two episode mini stories which will become more of a story line.. the main character is ruthless and so are most of the other contractors

im not sure if this was in shonen jump but its a little different... so far its been a good story and some of the stuff that happens is mess up.. of course lenalee is my fav.. lol

Zombie Loan
i watched it on a whim but i havent seen enough yet to make a good review.. i think only 8 or so episodes so far and ive only seen 7....  but it looks like it may get really good later but il have to get back to it once a few more are aired in japan
Decent taste. Well balanced. Yuyu Hakusho is good, but way too long for me. ;P I'll finish Bleach first, I can
only endure one mega-anime at a time.

I've seen most of those, and agree with u. U speak japanese?
_VEndeTta Wrote:Decent taste. Well balanced. Yuyu Hakusho is good, but way too long for me. ;P I'll finish Bleach first, I can
only endure one mega-anime at a time.

I've seen most of those, and agree with u. U speak japanese?

hmm i don't really count YYH as long.. only 112 eps... i wanted to see more.. lol.. now if you want long try detective conan.. 400 some odd eps and still going i think...  i do speak quite a bit of japanese.. i took it in school and i watch a ton of anime and listen to alot of japanese music which is used to write out the romanji to make karaoke.. lol
Lol, to me:
<12 episodes = very short
12-16 episodes = short
16-30 episodes = medium
30-60 episodes = long
60-100 episodes = very long
100-200 episodes = excessively long
>200 episodes = insanely long


I tend to watch things less than 30 episodes long - don't have the time.  If you can sit around and watch all day (like you've mentioned), the longer ones probably suit better.
I prefer things short and concise, rather than longish stories that drag on and on through sideplots...
Having said that, I rated Full Moon (52 episodes) quite well... >_>

Interesting reviews, though I'd probably disagree with a few :P
length doesn't bother me too much.. i don't like when they make a series way too long because of fillers or have a fight last 10 episodes but as long as they keep it interesting im fine with 200-300+ episodes...
updated first post hehe
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