Endless Paradigm

Full Version: I can't live without this coldboot! PLEASE!!!
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Pages: 1 2
[Image: 480x80bootoz5.jpg]

It's bstronga's, but he's very busy and can't return my PM. (PMd him like four days ago).

Does anyone have it? please please please....

(and thank you)
then die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*drops dead*
That does look like its a nice coldboot,

gimme gimme gimme,  Hahaha
yeah looks VERY nice. . . i would try to imitate it but I don't have the time now..
@ diego: I got this - thank Sudeki300...

[Image: screen1ij7.png]

you PMed me like 10x times for this :>
the original graphic is by madsoul only mirrored it vertically.
bstronga to the rescue :great:
nice thanks!
I think Iba's dead already...

*checks pulse*
Pages: 1 2
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