Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Silent Hill Origns Demo
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Today I was surfing the net and found the demo for Silent Hill Origins for PSP.  I had time to play this myself and let me tell you....
The controls are great! the graphics's are amazing! and the story line is rocking!  When this game comes out, I will bet you that it will be one of the best games ever made for the PSP system!

Download- - Part 1=  http://www.megaupload.com/?d=BKR6W6AV  Part 2=  http://www.megaupload.com/?d=X3UBQG3T



[Image: clipboard3333vx9.jpg]

[Image: clipboard3333vx9.jpg]

reminds me of someones siggy

* Shady didnt know you mergerd all the pictures
yeah, but whos?

That looks sweet i love S.H games nice one YoYo:)
Are you allowed to upload UMD Demo rips?
I just downloaded that, same version aswell but from the original uploader :P
i can't wait for this!
whether or not this is true, there are alot of files in there, and it is a big demo, so....people are saying there is most of, if not the whole game in this demo, its just being limited?
graphics look amazing.been waiting for this.
and still waiting for a resident evil too.
YoYoBallz Wrote:Today I was surfing the net and found the demo for Silent Hill Origins for PSP.  I had time to play this myself and let me tell you....
The controls are great! the graphics's are amazing! and the story line is rocking!  When this game comes out, I will bet you that it will be one of the best games ever made for the PSP system!

Download- - Part 1=  http://www.megaupload.com/?d=BKR6W6AV  Part 2=  http://www.megaupload.com/?d=X3UBQG3T

HEY!!!! i don't believe you're allowed to post links to umd rips! because this is one!:S
its a DEMO!!! . . . its allowed.  . .
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