I'm personally not that interested in UMD video ISOs - they're far too oversized, at around 1.5GB per movie. Converting yourself, you could easily get movies to around half that size without noticeable quality loss. Even with a 4GB memstick, you could only really stick about 2 UMD video ISOs.
(plus Sony pretty much gave up on the UMD format for videos :P)
UncertainGod Wrote:Heres the english;
What's New in M33-3:
Recovery Menu:
-Added new cpu speed settings - 75 and 133
-Added access to flash2 and flash3
-Added "vshmenu" , in which wee can dump UMD to PC
-Added support for UMD VIDEO iso,using vshmenu for selection
- Support for 3.30 pops
that info was already on the first post
but thanks for making it look neater
awwww i was guna translate that with the help of google :(
Update is out now :)
The ability to map the USB mode in the XMB to MS, flash0/1/2/3 or the UMD is a cool addition.
USBSSS, but in XMB really
The update has been released! Please go
HERE for the download and info.
Thread Closed.